2018 salt lake city airport road map
2018 salt lake city airport road map

  • Small and medium-sized firms generated 49.3 percent of Utah's total exports of goods in 2016.
  • Of those, 3,006 (86 percent) were small and medium sized enterprises with fewer than 500 employees.
  • A total of 3,503 companies exported from Utah locations in 2016 (latest year available).
  • Other top manufacturing exports are computer & electronic products ($1.6 billion), chemicals ($1.2 billion), food & kindred products ($1 billion), and transportation equipment ($884 million).Įxports Sustain Thousands of Utah Businesses many of which are SMEs.
  • 2018 salt lake city airport road map

    The state's largest manufacturing export category is primary metal manufacturing, which accounted for $6.4 billion of Utah's total goods exports in 2018.Utah exports of manufactured products supported an estimated 50 thousand jobs in 2016.In 2018, Utah exported $13.6 billion of manufactured products.Made-in-America Manufacturing Exports from Utah and Jobs Nationally, jobs supported by goods exports pay up to an estimated 18 percent above the national average. Utah goods exports in 2016 (latest year available) supported an estimated 51 thousand jobs.Goods exports accounted for 8.1 percent of Utah GDP in 2018.In 2018, Utah goods exports were $14.4 billion, an increase of 40 percent ($4.1 billion) from its export level in 2008.

    2018 salt lake city airport road map

  • Utah was the 27 th largest state exporter of goods in 2018.
  • 2018 salt lake city airport road map

    In 2018, Utah exported $14.4 billion of Made-in-America goods to the world. In 2016, exports from Utah supported an estimated 51 thousand jobs.

    2018 salt lake city airport road map